learn from them. Himachal Pradesh’s neighbor, Chandigarh and India’s neighbor China has strengthened their position as the Diabetes capital of India and that of the world once again. Chandigarh can credit its higher insulin levels to the long waiting queues outside the restaurants on regular weekends and evenings. The luxurious lifestyle and ultra comfortable living which has led Chandigarh to consolidating its position as the diabetes capital of India. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh organized an awareness program today on the world diabetes day. Important information about dealing with diabetes was shared by the doctors.One of the main concern was about the right use of the insulin injections.The insulin injection technique, which comprises the appropriate rotation of insulin injection site in a larger area can prevent the development of fat-lump over the abdominal wall (insulin lipohypertrophy). The development of these fat lumps prevent optimal insulin absorption from the injection site, as patient prefers to inject insulin in these lumps because it is painless. a same needle for six times does not contribute to these fat-lumps. China is the ‘diabetes capital of the world’ and Chandigarh continues to remain the ‘diabetes capital of India’. This has been strengthened by the data recently published by ICMR-INDIAB study, which showed a prevalence of 13.6% in Chandigarh, while the national average in 15 states was 7.3%. This is in concordance with our previous study of diabetes in Chandigarh published in 2009, with a prevalence of 12%. The reason for high prevalence of disease could be attributed to greater adaptation of sedentary life style, consumption of junk food and higher number of ageing population. ]]>