, Revaa in the Milky Galaxy.

Revaa in the Milky Galaxy.

Tot Dots


, Revaa in the Milky Galaxy.
I was wondering on a lonely path, where no piece of life appeared. There was the only darkness of death. I trembled with fear as the strongest thunder thundered.

Just then I noticed the sky shaking. I could even see the planets clearly now. They were coming closer. Before I could realize what was pulling me? I was pulled into the moon craters. Suddenly I fell in one of them.
Do you know what I saw?
I saw the moon world. A beautiful place with flowers and greenery all around. The flowers were made of moon gold and their leaves were made of moon fabric. The animals on the moon were all made with silver.
The rabbit there could talk. I felt a puppy tugging at my jacket. when I looked down the puppy said, ”Miss Reva you seem to be our guest from earth, Revaa in the Milky Galaxy., Revaa in the Milky Galaxy..”I said, yes! I am from earth indeed.
He was kind and friendly. He said, ” Oh! You are our special guest, please come with me. I will show you a cozy room where you can stay.”, Revaa in the Milky Galaxy.
I was astonished to see even the animals on the moon are so kind. As I entered the room, it was spacious and very well decorated. , Revaa in the Milky Galaxy.The sofa was made with crater sponge. It made it so cozy and soft.
The bed was as warm as it could be. It was the best room ,I had ever seen. By now it was night and we all slept in our own beds.
Suddenly the full moon started to shake(Oh!no). This was too bad and dangerous. Just then I felt a hand patting my back. My mother called out -Good morning! Time for school.

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