Some day if all the vegans and animal lovers come over their dependency on the cosmetics the animals will live fear free.If it is the memory of first love that remains with us all our lives, allow yourself to be your first love, as you are, forever. Accept yourself first.
People assume that the cosmetics and personal care products in which they invest their money in are safe and healthy for all their family members. The family members includes their companion animals here. They completely ignore the fact that some animals died in the process of creating the beauty products for them. Numerous surveys organized, show that a larger number of consumers desire to adopt products of the companies that do not conduct a test on animals.
Rather form the companies which use innovative animal friendly testing methods.An advanced mechanism is available which is more humane, quicker ,economical. They are also superior at predicting how safe these products are and how they will enhance the human body.In total defiance of this, the ordeal of animals on animals continue with the soul objective to keep the law suits at bay.
A through cosmetic safety test is conducted on the animals before they are sold in the market for human use. These animals are mice along with guinea pigs, rats, hamsters and the rabbits. During the process they are made to consume the cosmetics, their skin is rubbed with cosmetics for weeks altogether after shaving off their hair. Even their eyeballs are rubbed with the cosmetics to label them safe for use. These animals live a life of pain and fear before they die due to the extreme cosmetic testing process. While conducting the cosmetic test on animals, the rabbits are forced to eat cosmetics for nearly 28 days after which they are killed with their fetus.
The report collected after a survey showed that the universal cosmetic merchandise market was estimated at approximate USD 532 billion in the year 2017.This figure is expected to rise to about USD 863 billion in the year 2024.This is a massive growth of 7% which further underlines the need to stop the procurement of animal tested cosmetics.
[caption id="attachment_982" align="alignright" width="300"] From YouTube[/caption]
It is estimated that round about 100,000-200,000 animals have suffered and have died due to cosmetic trials conducted every year on thrm. It is unfortunate that this happens around the world. Mostly commonly used animals are rats, guinea pigs, mice, rats and rabbits.
These animals are forced to go through the skin and eye painful tests. Either the finished product is used for the test or each ingredient in the cosmetic is tested on the shaved bodies and eyes of these animals.
During these tests, chemicals are glazed on the pruned skin of the animals used for these tests. Chemicals are dripped in their eyes regularly to certain the safety of these products for the humans. They are forced to swallow huge amounts of a cosmetic chemical which leads to the analyses and the final result regarding the product safety.
This leads to the death of these animals after giving them unbearable pain and distress to them. They suffer from blindness, distended eyes, stiff painful skin, organs that get day aged resulting from internal bleeding, birth defects in the animal due to overdose of cosmetics, cramps and finally death. These animals live a tormented to die for the beautification of the humans.
An Alternative to Animal Testing
The world is moving towards an awareness of the environment. An awareness that understands the sensitivity of the matter. The testing of cosmetics on the animals are inapplicable to the human race along with having the ills of being expensive and excessively cruel. The scientist have already churned the wheel of their experiments towards more humane, less expensive and applicable to human race. Such alternatives to animal testing include advanced test using human cells and tissues, sophisticated computer modeling techniques and test performed on human volunteers.
Such none-animal methods does not suffer from species difference which is a major cause of failure of animal tests. These techniques also take less money and time.
There are more ways through which the Cosmetics companies can stop animal testing immediately. Without conducting a test on animals they can still outturn advanced, considerably safer and appealing beauty merchandise. They can be produced by testing them without being cruel none the animals.
Companies Accomplish this by:
Achieving animal free tested products is not a difficult task. The process are available , all it requires is a cha he in mind set. If the company chooses the ingredient with an existing history of safe use. They will provide for undisputed safe application of the product. These products have already been under research for years and have proven to be the safest for cosmetic usage. A variety and a huge number of such safe products are available with their listed history. Such products will require no testing which will further save time and money of the cosmetic companies.
Another method can be the use of a variety of sophisticated non-animal cruelty tests. They are proved to be the best in the laboratory as they do not allow the species difference to interfere in the certainty of the end result. They can exactly predict how the human skin and tissue will react to chemicals in the verified cosmetic. More than forty such non-animal checks have already been approved for use so far.Such modern and advanced options can give results which are comparatively extra relevant and appropriate for the humans. These are cheaper and quicker research as well.
The reason behind the regular pattern to continue to test products on animals.Cosmetics are used on a regular basis by a considerable size of the population around the world. The legal awareness amongst the consumers has given rise the methods of protecting themselves by the cosmetic companies as well. Shielding themselves against the unfortunate event being sued which can work havoc to their reputation as well as balance sheet they continue to test on animals.Conducting these tests provide them data which they further use to defend themselves in an event if a complaint arises. This data helps them against being sued by injured consumers.
Though these animal tested products are not reliable .The human skin and sensitivity cannot be put in the same bracket of the animals. Therefore, the cosmetic companies after conducting a test on animals put forwards almost a byproduct in the market.
In case of a lawsuit against them, the companies argue the fact that the products have been pre-tested on an animal. Though their argue t is not supported by the documented results that the test on animals have madetheir products 100% safe for human use.
They prefer to settle the matter outside the court in case the product reacts to a customer .The out of court payment worsens the situation as it covers the practice of unreliable animal testing practices.
Many millennials do not feel safe using a product which has not been pre- tested n an animal. They justify the animal test as a mandatory measure before the product can be used by them by teaming it beneficial for humans. They argue that animal testing might not be ideal but it’s better than testing on humans directly. This section of consumers believes that animal tested products are comparatively safer because they have gone through the test on animals. .Hence for them, the products which have not been tested on the animals consist of a segment of uncertainty.
Another reason for choosing animal tested products over the cruelty free ones is that they believe that animal testing is not as cruel as it is put forward as to animals. U understanding of the process is missing and for the ones who know it considers it to be blown out of proportion.
They think that companies who follow the process of animal testing does follow it in a humane way. They do not make the animals suffer forget about killing them or giving them a slow death. In this way, they choose to use any product which they feel and they want without bringing in the guilt factor.
Customer ignorance is another factor which leads to additional sales of any all tested products. A humongous majority f consumers are ignorant of the fact that the products which they are investing their money into our animals tested. This makes the biggest segment of consumers. For them the choice is merely of the product the desire. They does not inquire or read anything more about it.
Their decisions are based on whether they like the product rather than if they are cruelty-free or not.
Efforts to change the mindset of millennials towards buying cruelty-free products should be made. Awareness of the cosmetic test on animals should be made available through pictures on cosmetics. These pictures will self- explain the steps towards a better-looking personality for the consumer and the steps towards the death of these animals. Social media campaigns should run against the practice.
Along with regular awareness camps near the shopping markets. The pictorial depiction is the best remedy to leave an impact of the cruelty on animals for the certification of the animals. The more in time and appropriate solution will be the use of scientific methods which will replace the animals.
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The Changing Trends
The rising trend of cruelty free beauty has led to a surging rise in the demand of vegan cosmetics product in the world. This trend has changed the trend and has escalated the growth bar. The customers these days want to invest in the products which contribute towards the society and the environment. With the growth in awareness amongst the customers, the ingredients and the sources of the product have become very important. The innovation and the competition in the cosmetic industry are compelling factors to display their products with sensitivity.
Environmental friendly products are speeding their way to the top with the tag of cruelty free cosmetics. This has compelled many big players to avoid testing their products on the animals.
Social media is playing a major role in promoting cruelty-free animal products. The increasing number of beauty blogs and related social media accounts dedicated to the cause of cruelty-free cosmetics have led to creating a stir in the global market. Social media has made these products famous among the masses. It has further lead to igniting the demand for them. More and more millennials are adopting to them. The fear of buying the non – animal tested product has been suppressed by being an aware and
Contributing Citizen
The cause of animals is gradually turning into a trend. Therefore, the unconventional has turned into a lifestyle now.To understand the market demand for these products the companies are opening they’re out, let’s across the world. They study consumer behavior who further helps them to understand the trend of the demand.
So, contribute your bit and allow them to live a life free of fear. ]]>