Fantasy Island

Tot Dots

fantasy Island. Her name was ‘Queen Teresa’.She was the most pretty lady that people of fantasy Island had ever seen.Her beauty was enhanced by her golden heart. She was the most empathetic queen.The pain and problems of her pupil were felt by her heart like her own. Queen Teresa was a fairy. Fantasy Island was a place for all. Elves, gnomes, Saints, pixies, witches, fairies , sea creatures, four-legged animals and many more species lived there. When chickens laid eggs on the fantasy island.They took the help of many other animals to take care of them.Some animals made warm storage boxes for them. while others gave them code names. Fantasy Island was a happy place till a wicked and a powerful witch came there. She destroyed the creature’s homes, put them in the prison  and even captured the queen. It was a tragedy. They have never seen ever. Nor were they prepared for it , neither we’re they aware that every problem has a solution. After becoming a prisoner of the bad witch Queen Teresa lost all the hopes. She felt dejected and defeated. Sadness loomed over the island. The colours faded and greenery turned dry. Days passed and things became worst.One day a brave knight came to rescue them. He was strong and had big green eyes. On his armour, Queen Teresa’s name was engraved. He hide underwater and crawled towards the prison of Queen Teresa quietly. His name was ’Blue Rider’.By know, the queen has lost all the hopes and was crestfallen. Blue Rider crawled up to her and said, ” It will be my honour to l fight for a beauty like you. Saving you and winning over a heart like yours  is every man’s dream.”But” , he said, ”I will not.”” You are as strong as you are beautiful. There is nothing in the world as powerful which can take away your and your pupils smile. I request you to look within for support. Remember who you are and the magical powers that are instilled  within you.”He pleaded the queen that she should not be a prisoner to her mind. He stood up and walked away after giving his final advice that,” These doors can not hold you behind them.Also that she should remember and use the strength within  her.” Once dejected Queen had gained her confidence after listening to the blue rider. She collected her strength and commanded all the prison doors to open immediately. All the creatures came out.After that, she shooed the wicked witch away and ordered her to never return. Fantasy island once again became the place , it was always.]]>

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